10 van - carpet, upholstery, tile, window cleaning company. Over 18 years on OBX. Certified technicians with tenure.
Powells Point, NC 27966
Insured, bonded personnel for residential, rental, commercial, and mid-week cleaning, linens & bedmaking, kitchen helpers, babysitting in your home, grocery delivery, chef service, home care for elderly, gift baskets, and more. Let us be your one-stop shop. (Since 1988) E-mail: obxatyourservice@gmail.com; Website: www.atyourserviceobx.com
Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
Full service cleaning company. Commercial, Residental, Construction & Rental. Window Cleaning, Tile Cleaning, Grout Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning. Fully Insured.
Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning - Blind Sales - Blind Repairs - Drapery & Upholstery Cleaning - U/V Hurricane Film Application - Low Pressure House Cleaning.